It had been my original intention to try and cum twice during our hour-long session. But we had spent so much time already I realised this wasn't going to be possible. Shannon enthusiastically suggested I have a toy show instead. Great idea! Out came her vibrator, which she invited me to switch on, before she then started frigging herself with it. I offered to play with her boobs while she used the vibe and she readily agreed. We both got stuck in. Soon I was directing the horny visual action telling her to bring the toy right out of her pussy and then push it back in again, so you could really see her cunt-hole. Finally I took over and enjoyed pleasuring her with the toy. After playing around for a while Shannon took over again so I could concentrate on her tits. All too soon my time was up.
So an excellent punt in a great venue. You can certainly understand why Fun Place has such a great reputation - and deservedly so.